May 30, 2010

White Chocolate Chip Cupcakes


 THIS WEEK: or more like, TODAY:, because we make them more than once in a week! But anyways, we made White Chocolate Chip Cupcakes, best day EVER. Spoiler alert: YES, beware I will now ruin the ending of this blog and screw up the whole watch-us-do-the-process-first thing. THESE WERE SO GREAT. Kelsey and I both think these are the best so far. Zoe, I don't know. Siara says they weren't as good as the last ones, but that's only because she loved the frosting so.. that doesn't count. Anyways, we put off making these cupcakes because.. all we want is frosting. And these cupcakes have none. So it was a pretty bold move. And now, we are just plain scared that we will ruin our streak of good cupcakes by making a bad batch.. but they turned out great, WHOO! And they weren't hard to make at all, especially because there was no frosting. But it really was all very generic: eggs, flour, sugar, blah de blah. The only two things we had
to buy were white chocolate chips and buttermilk. And it was very cheap. So, win win. And I would go through it step by step.. but I can't really even remember it. I just remember it was super easy, and also that Kelsey added a lot more white chocolate chips than needed.
When we put them in the cupcake trays though, we had SO much batter! Maybe due to the extra chocolate chips.. but still. The book said it would make 12 cupcakes and they should be filled 3/4 full. We did that.. and there was still so much left! So we filled them up all the way. They were supposed to be cooked for 20 minutes, we ended up having to cook ours for like 26, and they turned out huge!

 SO CUTE, I love this picture! They said to cool for 5 minutes before eating.. screw that! We ate them right away. So hot. So good. What else can I say?! They were so good warm, the white chocolate melted right inside, which made them sweet enough even though they didn't have frosting.

 I would DEFINITELY recommend these, best so far. But maybe that's just a personal opinion thing.

We have learned that it is best to get out all of the ingredients first so we did that, Oh wait no we didn't.  but I call ahead to see if Lauren had the ingredients. Even though we decided to make cupcakes that we needed things for anyway. Safeway fixed that problem. Just picked up some buttermilk and white chocolate chips for the White Chocolate Chip Cupcakes. Now I know what you must be thinking, buttermilk in cupcakes?  How can something so gross be good in cupcakes, and they put buttermilk in muffins so how are they cupcakes? Well I don't know the answer to either of those questions but what I do know is that these bald* cupcakes are so frappin' good and my favorite by far!
The process is constantly getting easier and these we accomplished in like 15 minutes.Great team-work! The power best friends at work! We did fill them to high and even though the recipe said it only made 12. We probably put in too much love or chocolate chips. They are best served warm and with cold milk, a good friend doesn't hurt either.

* A bald cupcake is one without frosting or glaze or really anything on top of it.


These white chocolate chip cupcakes were..great! Very delicious. They tasted more of macadamia, but still oh so delicious. I'm not sure i would approve of these if they were cold though, the one i had was still warm and I suspect if it had been cold it would have been super crumbly and just all together not that good. The white chocolate chips were still melty and that tricked my taste buds to forget about the lack of frosting. No frosting was actually (i feel) a great idea for these cupcakes, I was skeptic at first but now I am a believer of bald cupcakes!

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